diet solutions 



Joining a Good Gym

Your body your decision

When losing weight you will need to review your eating habits as well to get the best out of the extra effort you are going to make. Cut out as much animal fat and use olive oil and omega 3 fish oils, such as krill oil. This will help you burn off the surplus fat without putting too much back on when you eat. One of the best ways to lose weight is by joining a good gym or even a dance class, particularly those that do modern fast dances like samba and jive, or even line dancing is still good exercise

When joining a good gym you will soon see that they come in all shapes and sizes, and there are probably several good gyms in your area to check out. Getting a membership to a gym can be expensive, so therefore it is important that you carefully consider what all of the gyms near to your home have to offer. Do a little research and find out what they give for the fee. How long you are committed for and whether anyone is licensed to give health checks or monitoring of your progress. Another thing which you will find invaluable when joining a good gymis whether they offer coaching as that will give you a shoulder to lean on (literally when you are puffed out!) but importantly someone to push you harder than you would most likely push yourself. This way you will get the results you want and your costs will have been well worthwhile.

This is probably the first thing you should look at. Find out if you will have a personal trainer. If you just join a class or work with a personal trainer, you'll want to ensure that you work with someone who is experienced and will teach you the right habits to gain. Unfortunately, as at today there are no set qualifications for trainers in the US for example, so you should only check out gyms that do require training programs for their coaches.

You should also check out the equipment before joining a good gym which is available for your use (see if it records your activities and long term progress, and also see what hours the gym is open for. Are they convenient to you, now and at different times of the year? A gym that only has one treadmill will not be the your best choice, as you will be queuing up to use it, however that is unlikely as most gyms have more than one and other equipment you can use instead, but you do need to see that the equipment will suit your needs. Only a qualified trainer can help you there. You should check which are their peak hours as you might find it more difficult to exercise fluently then as it might be congested, so again do the hours suit you? It is very important to join a good gym that allows you to have a great workout at the time of day that is most convenient for you.

You should also check out the cleanliness of the premises and what shower facilities are available to you. A sauna might be a nice way to wind down as well, or even a jacuzzi. Don't settle for less than you want as it will make your experence of training less enjoyable and therefore you will not achieve your weight loss plan! All good gyms will provide your with a tour of their facilities at the very least, or a more usefully a free trial to check out the gym on your own. If a gym is dirty, you will be susceptible to illnesses as they spread among members at the gym, don't go there. The management should confirm that  they provide a cleaners to ensure that the locker rooms are clean and hygienic, as well as provide antibacterial wipes for use on the machines after workouts.

The gym organization is important too, you don't want to be tripping over weights that are lying around on the floor if it looks untidy walk away Make sure there is plenty of space to work out in and it is well ventilated. If the walls are running with wet again, walk away.

Finally, you should check out the prices and compare them to see that you get good value for money. With the current squeeze they will be competing with each other to offer the best deal, look out for those. Do a deal say "you would like to join a good gym, theirs, but it is more expensive or the equipment doesn't suit you as well as ABC gym down the road", that won't be the case because you have already done your research but they won't know that and will want your custom. So don't accept the first offer push them... they want you more than you want them! Some gym memberships your will find are by the year while others charge your credit card monthly or send you an invoice every month, find out what notice you will need to give. Best not to invest in a year upfront as there may be other reasons that you might not wish to see it out. Perhaps a new facility opens up. In fact it is worth checking out any applications for a new gym in your area as the knowledge will give you another negotiating tool on the price. Just do what works best for you. You might end up spending hundreds or thousands of your well earned cash on your gym membership, so it is vital to find the gym facilities that best suit your personal needs. Look at all the gyms maybe closest to your home first but don't forget you can join a good gym a bit farther away if they seem better with superior facilities or a better price that offsets the costs of getting there or even both.

failing all that get your own gym at home, check it out here.

Happy work outs!
