What you should know about your blood pressure when dieting.
Just to be safe be aware of your blood pressure!
Just eating well and some reasonable exercise may be fine
but you should be conscious of the states that your blood pressure can be in so that you know whether to contact
your doctor or not. If you have ANY doubts contact them better safe than sorry. Blood pressure in itself means
nothing it is only the comparisons between different states that make your blood pressure high or low, or hopefully
just average.
There is a brief introduction to high blood
pressure, (hypertension) and low blood pressure (HYPO tension)
we hope we can show you the difference so that you can recognise them. Low blood pressure can be of
grave concern so please be aware of this and speak to your health professional if you think you might be
suffering from this condition. Finally a synopsis of Mean Arterial Blood
pressure which is the minimum amount of blood pressure needed to fed your organs properly!
The less you eat and the better the food you eat helps you lose those extra flabby bits and when your diet is
balanced you will feel less hungry too. Your body actually knows what
you want.